What is ESTA?

What is ESTA?

01.03.22 13:45 23 4042

ESTA, the US Visa Waiver Program, allows certain travelers to visit the United States without a visa. This program is only available to citizens of certain countries, including most European countries, as well as Australia and others.

ESTA requirements

Citizens of ESTA Program countries must meet certain eligibility requirements to travel to the US under the ESTA Visa Waiver Program. Tourists or travelers who do not qualify for the ESTA program should apply for a B-1/B-2 tourist visa at the nearest US consulate.

ESTA Fee Warning (ESTA Travel Authorization)

This guide includes instructions for the US Travel Authorization ESTA program, as well as how to apply for and obtain a US Travel Authorization. Attention(!) Information package ESTA Travel Authorization does not include application fees. The application fee and ESTA authorization fee can be paid to the US Department of Homeland Security directly when applying on the official website.

ESTA Statement

The US Government recommends that everyone apply for an ESTA authorization three days or 72 hours before traveling to the United States of America. This is not a requirement and most applications will be approved and answered within a short period of time. However, if the person wishing to visit the US is not eligible for a visa-free US border crossing, then he or she must apply for a tourist visa at a US embassy or consulate. Applying for a US visa is a longer process that may require an interview with a US consular officer.

Expiration date of the ESTA application

The ESTA permit is valid for two years. However, if you have received or changed your passport, or your passport name, gender, or nationality, you will need to obtain a new ESTA before you can travel to the US. In addition, the traveler must obtain a new ESTA if any of the applicant's responses to the ESTA application have changed since the previous time of application.

A positive response to an esta visa application usa does not guarantee entry into the United States. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer, when checking your documents at the border, will make the final decision and has the right to deny or allow you entry into the United States.

Автор: УкрЗахідІнформ .
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